At 12:53 PM 5/20/2004, you wrote:
Reading PalmOS KnowledgeBase article 656 on 5-way navigators, I see the
PalmOne left/right buttons are a little complicated, but I can't tell
what chrs generate the Up/Down keys on a T3. The article mentions these
keys without elaborating. I tried vchrRockerUp/Down (found in Chars.h),
that work fine, but is the case on all PalmOne devices with a 5-way

You need to use the PalmOne SDK from -- the five-way sends one of three possible keycodes, with information about the status encoded into the total keyDown structure. The header file PalmNavigator.h from the SDK has a set of macros that are very useful for determining what has been pressed.

It's also important on the PalmOne devices (and future PalmSource OS releases), for form-based applications to handle the center press on keyUp, not keyDown. This is because PalmOne devices will return to the launcher when the center button is held. The PalmOne SDK macros handle this condition well, but code written for the current Treo 600 (including even my own apps), tends to act on keyDown. PalmSource should be publishing guidelines on this in the future.

-- Ben Combee, DTS technical lead, PalmSource, Inc. Read "Combee on Palm OS" at

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