I'm implementing a search on a list and want the list to scroll as the user enters characters in the search field.

If I look for a penDownEvent and then call FldGetTextPtr(), I get the text before the new character is inserted. I need it after the character is inserted. I know I can grab eventP->data.keyDown.chr and add it to the text I get back from FldGetTextPtr() but that seems like more work than I should have to do since I'd also have to figure out where the insertion point was and insert the char at that point and manage the maximum length as well.

I thought fldChangedEvent was what I wanted but I never see this event. I don't see any other events that I think are what I want either.

Am I doomed to do it the hard way?



PS Thanks for the WinDrawTruncChars() answer. It shortened my afternoon's work...

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