> some of my users are complaning tahta  balck bar appears in the scren
> going fromt he top to the bottom of the screen sometime during my app
> everthing my app writes on the screen after the bar appears ti drawns
> over the bar ok.. but the other parts of the bar are there...

hehe whoa... it appears some of your fingers move faster than the others :P

> i'm not draweing any bar
> just a animation wioth recatagles.. small ones
> and i have some fields taht i update and some windrawchars..

Guess what a bar is? It's a rectangle.

I am guessing you are accidentally drawing a rectangle. I think it's best
that you just step through your code some more thouroghly, get some debug
info from your fav debugger... and find it. For example, if they all are
small rectangles, have some kind of check in your code if y > 120 or
something (assuming LowRes drawing)

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