At 09:41 AM 7/11/2004, you wrote:
> vchrPageUpWhenOff is an officially unsupported virtual character,
> used internally by early pre-release versions of the Alarm Clock on
> m100 devices -- whether or not that pre-release code made it into
> a production ROM is a question for Palm's SG business. I don't
> have those answers.
> See the following Knowledge Base article for more info:
>   <>
> Regards,
> Jim Schram
> PalmSource Inc.
> Partner Engineering

This is a rather old post, and the KB has changed. Does anyone know the
current ID of the mentioned article?

This article didn't get migrated into the current PalmSource KB, and I wasn't able to find a copy archived at either.

-- Ben Combee, DTS technical lead, PalmSource, Inc. Read "Combee on Palm OS" at

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