I'm developing an application to talk to custom SDIO hardware. The
hardware interrupts the handheld when it has data ready to be read. My
interrupt callback uses SDIORWExtendedByte() to read the data. So far
so good.

On my Tungsten T (OS 5.0), I frequently get an error
(expErrUnsupportedOperation) returned from SDIORWExtendedByte(),
particularly when the interrupts are coming in fast and furious
(fastest is every 20ms, and that's the case where I get the most
errors). Occasionally, the application hangs, waiting for the hardware
to respond.

On my m125 (OS 4.0.1), everything works fine.

At first I assumed the hardware was at fault, but then I tried the m125
and discovered that it works fine, pointing to (perhaps) something in
the Tungsten T.

The code is identical, and if I scope the interrupt pin on the hardware
it looks fine. The duration of the interrupt assertion is about the
same (around 2ms) on either handheld.

Those are the only 2 palms I have here at the moment, I'll try others
when I can get my hands on them, but in any case, I need to figure out
what's going on.

Is anyone aware of any SDIO "issues" with the Tungten T? Or are there
any SDIO experts out there (I'm not one) that can shed some light on
this problem, or suggest where to look next?

Thanks for any insight,

Dave Johnson

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