Well, the list object uses the pointer to the control, so that should be removed first I suppose. However, I tried that as well, but still didn't work. (I also tried setting the popup label to null) so that it does not point to the text of the list object. One thing is clear, it is the removal of the list object that causes the crash. Thanks anyway.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Luciano A. Stertz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: problems with FrmRemoveObject

Jennifer Fell wrote:
Well, I found the following suggestions for the problems that occur when removing objects using FrmRemoveObject function.
- Removing them in the reverse order they have been added (LIFO sequence).
- If an object has to be removed from the middle, then that should be hidden first using FrmHideObject and then the FrmRemoveObject function should be applied.

These suggestions really worked for me, but only for the Simulator with OS 5.3. I tried them on the Emulator with OS 4.1.2 and on a Tungsten T3 PDA; they didn't work.
For while I'm creating only labels dynamically, and it's working fine. Thanks for your advice, I'll certainly remember your pain before playing with dynamic objects again.
I imagine that you are tired of doing strange tests, but... I saw that you're removing first the list and then the popup. I'd try to remove first the popup and then the list. The popup may have some pointer referencing to the list object internally, while the list probably doesn't know about the popup. Who knows what happens in the OS layer when you call FrmRemoveObject... just another shot in the dark.

Luciano Stertz

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