At 11:05 AM 11/19/2004, you wrote:
        I have a problem with the handle of a form when I set
the handle using the function

        I create an object of the class FrmPrincipal like:

        FrmPrincipal * frmPrincipal = new FrmPrincipal();

        And then set the function: FrmSetEventHandler(pForm,

        But an error occur with the reference of the member
function. The error is:

converting from `Boolean (FrmPrincipal::*)(EventType *)' to `Boolean (*)(EventType *)' AppMain.cpp

FrmSetEventHandler expects a plain function, not a C++ method. C++ methods have a hidden "this" parameter that's part of their function signature.

You either need to pass a non-member function or a static member function to this call. You'll need to figure out some method to associate the FormType pointer with your class -- maybe a gadget in the form could be used to store your object pointer.

-- Ben Combee, Technical Lead, Developer Services, PalmSource, Inc. "Combee on Palm OS" weblog: Developer Fourm Archives:

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