Hi Orea,

In your example,

Do I add
#include "Sections.h"
#include "AppCode1.h" to AppMain.c ?

And do I need to add
#include "Sections.h" to AppCode.c ?
How about "AppCode1.h", need to include in AppCode.c as well?

I can compile, and no error, but no .PRC file. :(


Suppose that you have AppMain.c with some of you code, and have AppCode.c
with two big functions that need to be in diferent code section, in
AppCode1.h you have defined the functions like this.

extern void myFirstVeryBigFuntion ( Int16 number);
extern void mySecondVeryBigFunction ( Int32 number);

you just have to add the definition for the segment code that each function
will reside like this

extern void myFirstVeryBigFuntion ( Int16 number) EXTRA_SECTION_ONE;
extern void mySecondVeryBigFunction ( Int32 number) EXTRA_SECTION_TWO;

This suppose to be the way that multisections works, and it works for me,
now your app will have the code from AppMain.c in the main code section, and
had myFirstVeryBigFuntion in the code1 section and mySecondVeryBigFunction
in code2 section.
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