Hi Ben,

After meeting with my client and presenting all the information presented here 
in response to my question, I convinced him to
upgrade our CodeWarrior 6 to CodeWarrior 9.  I sold him on it based on the 
anticipated upgrade price of $199.  When I tried to
actually BUY the upgrade, I was asked for my Registration number.  I do not 
know where to find this number - it's not on the CD
case I was given, and I cannot locate it in the IDE help.  I don't even 
remember needing one to install the Codewarrior 6
program!  I have inherited this project from a previous developer - was he 
supposed to provide me with a registration card
along with the CD?  Is there some way to access the registration number from 
the program?

By the way, you were right - the Converted sample program was trying to build a 
MAC project.  I changed it to build a PalmOS
project, and now I'm getting an error about an undefined symbol "__Startup__" 
in module "__DummyStartup__".  I don't even know
where to begin looking on how to fix this one.



Ben Combee wrote:

> >Upgrading CodeWarrior involves also upgrading the development machine I
> >was given, so it's more than just the money for the
> >product.  I may be out of my league here, but I want to see if the system
> >I described can be made to work.  I think it should,
> >but my understanding is limited.
> CW for Palm OS V9 shouldn't have significantly more system requirements
> than version 6.  The only things that would differ would be the amount of
> RAM needed, as the code completion in V9's IDE can eat up RAM.  We didn't
> qualify V9 on older OS versions, but we also didn't do anything to break it
> on older OSes.  Some of the Palm OS Simulators don't work well on Windows
> 95/98/Me; that would be the main issue.
> -- Ben Combee, Technical Lead, Developer Services, PalmSource, Inc.
>     "Combee on Palm OS" weblog: http://palmos.combee.net/
>     Developer Forum Archives:   http://news.palmos.com/read/all_forums/
> --
> For information on using the Palm Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please 
> see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

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