At 03:27 AM 1/12/2005, you wrote:
I was working on Codewarrior 7.0 and recently tried the demo verion of 8.0 to compile my earlier project which was working fine. However I am not able to progress due to the above mentioned link error. The bitmap which it is referring to is also ok. I found the dlls with the following mentioned versions:-
PalmRezPostLinker.dll -
PPalmRez.dll -
Is my problem related to these dlls? If so, where to get the appropriate versions? If not, how to remove the link error??

The problem is related to the file size limitations of the demo V8 -- the linker is limited to very small programs (under 4K of code, under 13K of resources), so it's outputting a truncated set of resources, and PalmRez is complaining about that.

To get the non-demo version, you'll need to buy a copy of CW for Palm OS V9.

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