I'm trying to build a CodeWarrior Palm Project that includes <POL.h>. When I 
try to build after inclding POL.h I get a bunch of new errors in the include 
files included by Pol.h. The first is:

class CDateTime : public DateTimeType
Error   : illegal struct/union/enum/class definition
(included from:
POLDateTime.h line 42   class CDateTime : public DateTimeType

but there are a whole bunch more.

If I try to build one of the sample projects included with CW 9.2 (such as 
POLTest.mcp), there are no error as a result of including <POL.h> but I can't 
see any difference in my project. I have verified that the same include files 
are being included in bothe cases, bit in my project, erros abound.
Anyone knopw what the prblem might be here?

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