Hello Douglas,

I suppose my own development experience with the Palm has biased my
opinion on how the platform is typically used. For example, I've never
thought that features like unique IDs and record attributes were worth
the bother of using them, and most of the Palm databases I work with
use fixed length records for the main data. Where possible, I store
string data in a separate database, in a more relational database
fashion. We'd have to conduct a survey to determine whether the
average Palm developer uses fixed length records or not, but either
way, my assumption was probably unfounded.

The thing that confuses me is that it seems you are advocating against
the use of a logical record scheme. Waiting for 10,000+ records to
HotSync is not a very pleasant experience, and currently having such a
large number of records will cause an application to simply not work
on the new PalmOne devices. Are you trying to say that Palm
(One/Source) should not do something to help developers work around
this problem? Notwithstanding the current problems with the T5 and
Treo 650, I still have to wonder why a library hasn't been developed
to make this process simpler ages ago.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005, 9:45:43 AM, you wrote:

DH> Adrien,

>>Of course, I'm assuming that the logical records would be the same
>>size for the above implementation, but that would likely cover the
>>majority of developer cases already. 

DH> I suspect that would cover relatively few cases -- even if not "packing" 
DH> by eliminating unused fields as the original PIM databases do, having 
DH> length strings is extremely common.  The net result is I believe you would 
DH> the vast majority of pdb's consist of variable length records.  So the 
DH> would have to set the logical record size to the maximum possible length if 
DH> wrapper were to assume consistent sizes, and that could negate any benefit.

DH> In fact, if the record contains any memo-like fields, a given record may 
DH> exceed the NVFS block size (512 on the T5) even if typical records were 
DH> say 64 bytes or whatever.

DH> I don't believe such a simplistic approach would achieve much real world
DH> benefits, even if it didn't introduce new compatibility problems.

>>If for some reason it's not practical to modify the original Dm family
>>of functions easily, a total wrapper around the DataMgr shouldn't be
>>too difficult. The biggest challenge would likely be the typing
>>element rather than any complexity in actually developing it.

DH> No, the bigger challenge would be compatibility with conduits and code which
DH> relies on record attributes, categories, unique IDs, etc.  Not to mention 
DH> ramifications on memory handle operations and Exchange Manager functions.  
DH> isn't just the Dm...() calls which would be impacted with such a wrapper.

DH> Besides, the whole point of using the block size seems to be avoiding the
DH> performance penalty of having to read/write all other record(s) which 
happen to
DH> be at least partially within that memory block.  And by implementing such a
DH> wrapper you are already causing write operations to include the other 
DH> records within the same physical record.

DH> Then consider the ramifications for things like
DH> DmMoveRecord() used when sorting
DH> databases, or record insertions or deletions.

DH> Doug

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