Where the DmSyncDatabase documented?

BC> You mean it is synchronous.  An asynchronous call may not complete before 

BC> -----Original Message-----

BC> From:  "David Thacker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
BC> Subj:  Re: was RE: Is DmSyncDatabase() synchronous?
BC> Date:  Thu May 12, 2005 7:37 am
BC> Size:  1K
BC> To:  "Palm Developer Forum" <palm-dev-forum@news.palmos.com>

BC> DmSyncDatabase appears to to me to be asynchronous, and appears to actually
BC> do the synchronizing at the time that you call it (as opposed to flagging
BC> for later syncing).  In my test app, I (attempt to) create 60000 records and
BC> call DmSyncDatabase every 1000 records.  As the database grows, the
BC> DmSyncDatabase call takes longer and longer to complete.

BC> No, the test app never does make it to 60000 records on the T5 :-(  I have
BC> gotten it to make a database up to 43000 records though (60 MB in size!!).

BC> David Thacker

BC> "Jeffry Loucks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

BC> I realize the question appears to be simply a play on words, but I'm serious
BC> :)

BC> If nobody knows if the call is synchronous, has anyone observed anything
BC> that would indicate it is not?

BC> Thanks.

BC> -----Original Message-----
BC> From: Jeffry Loucks
BC> To: Palm Developer Forum
BC> Sent: 5/10/2005 4:58 PM
BC> Subject: Is DmSyncDatabase() synchronous?

BC> Anyone know if the new DmSyncDatabase() call is synchronous?
BC> I'd like to know if, upon return, the database is completely
BC> flushed to flash or is it simply flagged to be flushed. I
BC> suspect it is synchronous, but I don't know what's behind the
BC> scenes, so I'm not making any assumptions. 

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