At 06:00 PM 5/31/2005, you wrote:
I seem to have the opposite problem. My app seems to work fine on the SD card, but won't work on the device itself.

I'm assuming that that would be a similar problem?

I'm using this

UInt32                  volumeIterator;

FileRef                      theDatabaseFile;

volumeIterator = vfsIteratorStart;
while ( (volumeIterator != vfsIteratorStop) &&
        (VFSVolumeEnumerate (&volumeRefNum, &volumeIterator) == errNone) )
if ( (theDatabaseFile = FindFile (volumeRefNum, "/PALM/Launcher",theDatabaseName)) ! = NULL )
 volumeIterator = vfsIteratorStop;

Assuming this will iterate thru all volumes. But it seems it doesn't find the internal volume for some reason.

You need to show your FindFile code; what you have here looks fine to me.

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