> > >How does one build PalmOS5 ARM apps.  It can't be that the only way is
> > >to build m68k apps using prc-tools and then execute them on-device
> > >using PACE.
> >
> > There is an ARM tool-chain on PalmSource, iirc. At the end you get some
> > arm-palmos-xxx.exe commands, similar to the m68k-palmos-xxx.exe you
> > already have isntalled. Then you just write your ARM code, complie it
> > with arm-palmos-gcc, link it and put the result into a resource. Find
> > the resource at runtime, lock them and call it.
> Well, I would very much like to have that tool chain.  Unfortunately
> in the PODS that I downloaded it is definitely not included.

PODS does indeed have the tools to do native ARM coding.  Choose "New
Project" and select "Managed Make 68K PNO C/C++ Project", then go through
the wizard choosing "Simple Application" on the 3rd screen.  It is all set
up for you with NativeCallTestApp.c being the 68k app wrapper which does
the UI work, and also a PNOMain.c which contains the code which you want to
have at maximum speed.

The usual caveats apply: PNOs are intended for use where you've got a bunch
of speed-critical code but are not ideal for UI because the effort of
coding/testing/debugging is higher, and the benefit is lower (or nil) if
you're just spending your time in an event loop.  There are some situations
where people have found it worthwhile to move all their code inside a PNO
but in general you should avoid doing that unless you have a clear reason &
understand the tradeoffs.

Make sure you read up on the endianness issues, maximum size of PNO code
due to resource limits, etc.

-David Fedor
PalmSource, Inc.

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