Hi I am Trying to use the following code to send TCP data and listening using 
netcat.I don't receive anything.But it works in the simulator.The device works 
with UDP.I am using the Garmin IQue 3600.Please let me know if u see any 
obvious problems.A connection is opened but no data is  sent In tcp mode, my 
application being near real time will benefit from UDP but I would also like 
tcp to work.

static void SendTCP(void)
   Err error;
   UInt16 AppNetRefnum;
   UInt16 ifErrs;
   NetSocketRef socket;
   Int16 result;
   NetSocketAddrINType destAddr;

   char buf[bufLen] = "TCP o NetLib!\n";
   UInt16 sentBytes = 0;

   /*Move data from buffer to buf*/
   // Find the network library
   ShowResult(MainSysLibFindResultLabel, PROCESSING_RESULT);
   error = SysLibFind("Net.lib", &AppNetRefnum);
   ShowResult(MainSysLibFindResultLabel, error);
   if (error) return;

   // Get and validate the destination
   if (!GetAddr(AppNetRefnum, &gPrefs.addr, &gPrefs.port)) {

   // Open the network library
   ShowResult(MainNetLibOpenResultLabel, PROCESSING_RESULT);
   ShowResult(MainNetLibOpenIFResultLabel, PROCESSING_RESULT);
   error = NetLibOpen(AppNetRefnum, &ifErrs);
   ShowResult(MainNetLibOpenResultLabel, error);
   ShowResult(MainNetLibOpenIFResultLabel, ifErrs);
   if (ifErrs || (error && error != netErrAlreadyOpen)) goto CloseNetLib;

   // Open a socket
   ShowResult(MainNetLibSocketOpenResultLabel, PROCESSING_RESULT);
   socket = NetLibSocketOpen(AppNetRefnum,        // Network library
                             netSocketAddrINET,   // Address domain
                             netSocketTypeStream, // Socket type
                             netSocketProtoIPTCP, // Protocol
                             -1,                  // Timeout
                             &error               // Error result
   ShowResult(MainNetLibSocketOpenResultLabel, error);
   if (error) goto CloseNetLib;

   // Connect the socket to its destination
   MemSet(&destAddr, sizeof(destAddr), 0);
   destAddr.family = netSocketAddrINET; // This should match the second 
argument to NetLibSocketOpen
   destAddr.port = gPrefs.port;
   destAddr.addr = gPrefs.addr;
   error = 0;
   ShowResult(MainNetLibSocketConnectResultLabel, PROCESSING_RESULT);
   result = NetLibSocketConnect(AppNetRefnum,                  // Network 
                                socket,                        // Socket 
                                (NetSocketAddrType*)&destAddr, // Destination 
                                sizeof(destAddr),              // Length of 
                                -1,                            // Timeout
                                &error                         // Error result
   if (result == -1) {
      ShowResult(MainNetLibSocketConnectResultLabel, error);
      goto CloseSocket;
   } else {
      ShowResult(MainNetLibSocketConnectResultLabel, 0);

   // Send data
   ShowResult(MainBytesSentResultLabel, PROCESSING_RESULT);
   while (sentBytes < bufLen) {
      ShowResult(MainNetLibSendResultLabel, PROCESSING_RESULT);
      result = NetLibSend (AppNetRefnum,       // Network library
                           socket,             // Socket reference
                           buf + sentBytes,    // Buffer to send
                           bufLen - sentBytes, // Bytes to send from buffer
                           0,                  // Flags
                           NULL,               // Destination address -- does 
not apply to TCP sockets
                           0,                  // Length of destination address
                           -1,                 // Timeout
                           &error              // Error result
      if (result == -1) {
         ShowResult(MainNetLibSendResultLabel, error);
         goto CloseSocket;
      sentBytes += result;
      ShowResult(MainBytesSentResultLabel, sentBytes);
   ShowResult(MainNetLibSendResultLabel, 0);

   // Close the socket
   ShowResult(MainNetLibSocketCloseResultLabel, PROCESSING_RESULT);
   result = NetLibSocketClose (AppNetRefnum, // Network Library
                               socket,       // Socket reference
                               -1,           // Timeout
                               &error        // Error result
   if (result == -1) {
      ShowResult(MainNetLibSocketCloseResultLabel, error);
   } else {
      ShowResult(MainNetLibSocketCloseResultLabel, 0);

   // Close the network library
   ShowResult(MainNetLibCloseResultLabel, PROCESSING_RESULT);
   error = NetLibClose(AppNetRefnum, false);
   ShowResult(MainNetLibCloseResultLabel, error);

Code borrowed from HelloNetLib

Tishampati Dhar
Software Developer

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