Hi group,
I am trying to create a bounded emulator.
Since it is the first time I do it, I am not sure if the behavior I am
detecting is the normal behavior or something is wrong.

The exe created includes the emulator itself, the selected rom and the skip
in one single file.
The problem I found is that:

1. When exiting the emulator every time, it asks for saving the session, but
never remembers the session file I used to start it, displaying the name
"Save changes to untitled?" and requesting for a new session file to save.

2. When executing the emulator again, all the changes to my databases are
lost, even if I use the -psf parameter in the shortcut to start it and I
saved the session file the last time I exited.

It seems that the program behavior is to reset allways to the original
state, in this case I do not know why it asks for saving the session file.

What I want it to do is to keep all changes I do on my programs, this means,
remember the last session status.
Hope someone could explain to me if this could be done.

Thanks in advance.


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