The layout at first impression could be improved,
the eye IMHO opinion shouldn't have to move very much horizontal in
order to find the information its after, the general rule I would
stick to is headings on the left, data on the right,
I would move the entry fields a little be below the title,
so the text appears at the same horizontal position.
Try to move towards a position where there is a vertical and horizontal
uniformity, if that involves the introduction of a scrollbar so be it.
Also would this not be the kind of job where it would better suited
to have a table of name/values pairs, and let the user tap the one
they want to change, and take them to a modification screen ?

Quoting druid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Its not much but it is a basis where I am going
> the entire code is also posted
> Looking for opinions on layout and user ease of usage
> thanks
> --
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