Hi again, folks,

So, I noticed that prc-tools comes with an arm-palmos compiler as well as the expected m68k-palmos. I have a large multi-section C++ 68k application, and I'd really like to just compile the whole thing into ARM and just have a 68k stub that checks to see if the platform supports ARM and then launches the ARM version, otherwise continuing with the 68k portion. I haven't done anything with ARM yet other than try and read up what I can scrounge up, so I am a bit clueless and scared here.

1. Is compiling an entire app to ARM feasible? Is there any reason I wouldn't want to do this?

2. If my ARM code ends up being greater than 64k (which it will), how does having multiple ARM code resources work? Do I need to do the same thing in terms of sectioning out code?

3. Are here any other considerations I should be considering regarding ARMifying my project?


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