Thanx for ur Kind attention,

Here is what i m exactly doing,

I want to fill my ListBox with some values from DB,
so i have created a dynamic array that will contain the values as per the no. 
of records in DB.Then i m inserting each of those  values from array inside the 

Initially my DB doesnt contain any records,so i had set a Flag that indicates 
me that a record is been inserted into DB.

Then in the Form Open Event i check this Flag and then calls my function 
FillList(), which does the Rest.

But i get two Error Msgs:

Error Message:

1.)ProjectDemo(unknown version) just read from memory location 0x00038D5E,
Which is in Memory Manager Data Structures.
These Data Structures include things like the Headers precedings each Block in 
a heap,as well as the heap header itself. Such an access usually means that an 
application allocated a buffer(possibly  with MemPtrNew) that wasn't large 
enough for its purpose.When the application then tries to write the data
to the buffer,it writes off the end of the buffer ,accessing the start of the  
buffer following it in memory.

2.) ProjectDemo(unknown version) just read from memory location 
0x00000028,Which is in Low Memory. 
"Low Memory" is defined as the first 256 bytes of memory.It should not be 
directly accessed by applications under any circumstances

i had attcah my source code Plz go thru it.
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Here's the Code:-

static Boolean WelcomeFormHandleEvent(EventType  *event)

        Boolean         handled = false;
        FormType        *pForm;
        int i=0;
        char *str;

        switch (event->eType) 
                case frmOpenEvent:
                if(WelcomeFlag==true)  //Set to true when Record is inserted 
into DB
                FillList();  // This Fn fills my List Box with Customer No from 
              WelcomeFlag=false;  //again set to false so that this Fn is not 
called twice until and unless 2nd record is added
                                                                pForm = 
    }//End of frmopenevent

static void FillList()
        FormType        *pForm;
        ListType*   plist;
        UInt16 i;
        UInt16 listIndex; 
        int numChoices = 0;
        ListElements = (Char **) MemPtrNew(nbRec1 * sizeof(Char *));    
//nbRec1 contains no. of Records from DB.
        //ListElements  is global var of type Char **;

        for (i=0;i<1;i++) 
                ListElements[i] = (char *) MemPtrNew(10);       
        SelectRecord(1); //I had passed 1 as hardcode values just for testing.
   //This fun. gets the record from DB into ListAraay

        pForm = FrmGetActiveForm();
        listIndex = FrmGetObjectIndex(pForm, Form1ListBox); 
        plist = FrmGetObjectPtr(pForm, listIndex);
        LstSetDrawFunction(plist,(void *)Form1ListBoxDraw); 
        numChoices = sizeof(ListElements);

static void SelectRecord(UInt16 index)
        MemHandle                       recH;
        DBRecordTypePtr1        recP;
        UInt16                          attr;
        UInt32                          uniqueID;
        char str[10];
        DmOpenDatabaseInfo(db1, &dbID, NULL, NULL, &dbCard, NULL);
        recH = (MemHandle)DmQueryRecord(db1, index);
        if (recH)
        recP = (DBRecordTypePtr1)MemHandleLock(recH);
        m++;  //m is global Uint 
         //Alert Msg

Anything wrong in this code     

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