hi! Logan is correct. This is the piece of code I use to convert local time to UTC using the API.
Good luck.

::DateTimeType dt;
UInt32 seconds = TimGetSeconds();
if(PrefGetPreference(prefVersion) >= 9)
        Int16 tz = PrefGetPreference(prefTimeZone) & 0xffff;
        Int16 ds = PrefGetPreference(prefDaylightSavingAdjustment) & 0xffff;

        seconds = TimTimeZoneToUTC(seconds, tz, ds);
TimSecondsToDateTime(seconds, &dt);
y = dt.year;
m = dt.month;
d = (unsigned char)dt.day;
hh = (unsigned char)dt.hour;
mm = (unsigned char)dt.minute;
ss = (unsigned char)dt.second;

Chris Apers wrote:

Is this the good way to do this ?

 if (romVersion >= sysMakeROMVersion(4,0,0,sysROMStageRelease,0))
    secs += (PrefGetPreference(prefTimeZone) +
PrefGetPreference(prefDaylightSavingAdjustment)) * 60;
    secs += (PrefGetPreference(prefMinutesWestOfGMT) - 720) * 60; // no sure
about this one

Thanks a lot :)

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