What would you have him say? It seems like you place him in a no-win situation; either he responds to the rumors and is accused being misleading, or he ignores it and lets it do damage unchecked. I thinks he is spot-on in his assessment of the market, and I've been developing for the Palm since '97. As a hardware manufacturer, his job is to drive as many boxes out the door as possible, and the market should dictate the configuration of those devices.

As to the forum, remember that this is a public company and he needs to reassure his investors as much as the developers.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Adrien Regimbald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <palm-dev-forum@news.palmos.com>
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 3:11 PM
Subject: Palm Announcement


Apparently Ed Colligan, CEO of Palm, wrote an open letter to the Palm
developer community. This came as a surprise to me because I haven't
received any such letter, nor have I seen one posted on this forum,
which would seem like a sensible place to put an open letter.
According to the news releases, it should have showed up on the Palm
developer site, but I don't see it there either. In any event, some of
you may find this interesting.


I hate to say it, but to me this sounds like the captain of a ship
trying to convince the ship hands that the ship isn't sinking, hoping
they will continue working long enough that he can safely move to a
new ship before the old one sinks. The new ship, of course, flies
under the banner of Microsoft. As developers, we are stuck between a
rock and a hard place. Is Colligan prevaricating, trying to get us to
continue working on a platform he has no intention of supporting in
the future? Or does he genuinely intend to continue supporting the
Palm platform? We have no way of knowing which is true, and it will
definitely have a major impact on us as developers. Either way, it
seems clear that Windows Mobile is going to play a significant role in
Palm's future, and it would be wise for developers to be aware of


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