Jim Cooper wrote:

 > the palmos on "linux" concept is actually a good idea.

Time will tell. I personally think it's a flawed concept - how many GUI toolkits does one OS need? How many ancient desktop OSes do we need on PDAs?

I think the proper question is, "How many kernels does Palm OS need?".
And the answer is "one".

And then the next question is, "What is the best kernel for PalmSource
to use, given that kernels are complex and maintaining your own kernel
and writing device drivers for every new piece of hardware is a pain?".
And the answer is "Linux", because hundreds (thousands?) of man-years
of work have already gone into refining that kernel, *and* it's very
popular in embedded development already, so lots of embedded stuff has
Linux device drivers available already.

And then the NEXT question is, "Is it worth it to make the transition
from PalmSource's proprietary kernel to the Linux kernel?"  And the
answer to that question is less immediately clear, but PalmSource
has obviously answered "yes".  :-)

  - Logan

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