Frantisek Dufka wrote:
> Jay Ts wrote:
> >But, I'd love to have a Palm with a larger screen. [...]
> These are called Tablet PCs but new ones are pretty expensive.

Expensive, and still a little too much like laptops for my taste.
That's why I'd rather see the form factor growing out of handhelds
than PCs.  I think they will become practical as organic LEDs and
other new display technologies bring down the prices and power
requirements for displays.

> Or if you want something smaller running linux already (when palmsource 
> is only talking about it) look at Zaurus or new Nokia 770

Yep, I know about them.  I'd just love to develop software for those,
but where's the market?  Not enough customers yet.  And they are too
small to qualify for the "mini tablet" form factor I have in mind.

> I have one N700 right here and it is very neat too :-) I wonder when/if 
> Palm/PalmSource will match this with their PalmOS on Linux concept.

I think they are working directly towards that.  I like Palmsource's
attitude of embracing Linux for the future, while maintaining support
for existing Palm OS applications.  I think that will be a successful
strategy.  Or at least, it *can* be. ;)

Jay Ts

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