I believe that you should be able to handle the event by simply inserting an
event handler BEFORE SysHandleEvent in your apps main event loop. The
datebook example shows this AFAIK...

Best regards
Tam Hanna
Tamoggemon Software

Subject: re: Handling vchrHardRockerCenter
From: "Daniel Seifert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 11:44:42 -0000
X-Message-Number: 12


just wanting to push this question up. I am still looking for a way to
correctly react when the user keeps the 5-way center button pressed for some
time. At the moment the OS is opening the attention manager dialog
(apparently the vchrHardRockerCenter events are handled before they reach my
event loop).

I have some code that works fine on the simulator where I just swallow the
vchrAttnIndicatorTapped event that the OS inserts in these cases, but this
does not work as well on the device and probably is not a sensible way to go
for future compatibility.

Could someone please let me know whether reacting on a long-press of the 5
way center button is officially supported at all and if yes, how to actually
do it?

Thanks in advance for your help,


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