Couple points (continuing this probably off topic conversation). First, for
multi-platform development, there are several development platforms that
can oblige. Java (Waba/SuperWaba), NS Basic, and Casl are three that come
to mind. Casl was designed for multiplatform development - write once and
compile for either platform. For non-commercial development the package is
free. Check out

For conversion, that will be harder. The whole paradigm is different -
single tasking vs multitasking, etc. That said, for the sort of program you
are writing (age+BUN=Lasix dose), probably any development package for
Pocket PC will be fine once you get used to it (and the different libraries
of functions for Pocket vs Palm). 

But, if you are going to have to rewrite anyway, why not write it in
something that allows you to work in both platforms, like CASL or Java? 
Email me offline if you want more detail/help. I too am a medical
professional and write medically related software.

In your message regarding [OT, kind of] Best way to convert Palm app to
Pocket PC? dated Sat, 7 Jan 2006 22:36:23 -0800, David Linker said that ...

>  I have a Palm OS app that I would like to make available to those who  
>  use Pocket PC. I could use some some pointers and ideas.
>  It is written using the gcc toolset (prc-tools), written in C. I have  
>  another version in java that runs as a java applet on a web browser.  
>  The application is an aid for physicians treating patients with heart  
>  failure. The current executable is a single file, about 40K on the Palm.
>  I have tried to understand what I have to do, but I am confused, and  
>  thought that others on this list must have experience and knowledge  
>  about this issue.
>  First, I am confused about the differences between the available  
>  platforms. Windows CE, Pocket PC, Win32, ARM, etc. Any guidance  
>  gratefully accepted.
>  Second, what development environment would be good to use? I should  
>  mention that this is NOT a commercial development, and the budget is  
>  limited. So far, the expenditure is about $00.00, and ideally, I  
>  would like to keep it that way. I have downloaded eMbedded Visual  
>  Studio 4.0, but it appears to be set up to compile for a device with  
>  a larger screen. I have previously written programs in waba, but  
>  found the execution speed quite slow.
>  Finally, where can I find documentation and tutorials like the  
>  excellent ones for the Palm?
>  Thanks in advance for any pointers or links!
>  David Linker
>  -- 
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