When I run this code, I don't get the standard "single photo capture"
dialog.  I'm running on a Zire72 with version 2 of the Photo Library.  Is
there something else needed to set this up?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 11:23 AM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: Confirmation Image Missing in PalmPhotoCaptureImageV2 call

I'm working on an application that includes camera functionality.

Users will tap a selector trigger that displays the standard "single photo
capture" dialog (see capture.jpg attachment).  After capturing a photo, the
standard "photo confirmation" dialog is displayed to review the photo (see
confirm.jpg attachment).  If the save button is selected, the JPG photo data
will be copied into our database tables.

>From code examples, I am able to successfully capture a photo to a file
stream or VFS volume using the PalmPhotoCaptureImageV2 API.  See the code
sample below.

However, the image in the "photo confirmation" dialog is empty (whitespace)
even though the image in a file stream or file in a VFS volume contains the
correct picture data.

What is missing to make the confirmation image work properly with the
PalmPhotoCaptureImageV2 API?

Thank you!

Eric Lyons

//  get reference number for Palm photo library

UInt16 libRefNum;

Err err = SysLibFind(PalmPhotoLibName, &libRefNum);

if (err)
        err = SysLibLoad(PalmPhotoLibTypeID, PalmPhotoLibCreatorID,

        if (err)
                return false;

//  ensure Palm photo library is version two
// (Zire 72 has 2.0, Treo 650 has 3.0)

UInt32 libVersion = 0;

err = PalmPhotoLibGetVersion(libRefNum, kPalmPhotoLibVersion2, &libVersion);

if (err || (libVersion < kPalmPhotoLibVersion2))
        return false;

err = PalmPhotoLibOpen(libRefNum);

if (err)
        return false;

//  iterate VFS volumes and use first volume to store photo

UInt16 volRefNum = 0;
UInt32 volIterator = vfsIteratorStart;

Err err = VFSVolumeEnumerate(&volRefNum, &volIterator);

if (err)
        return err;

//  set fileLocation parameters of capture parameter block

PalmPhotoCaptureParamV2 captureParams;
MemSet(&captureParams, sizeof(PalmPhotoCaptureParamV2), 0x00);

captureParams.fileLocation.fileLocationType = palmPhotoVFSLocation;
StrCopy(, "/DCIM/test.jpg");
captureParams.fileLocation.file.VFSFile.volumeRef = volRefNum;

//  set imageInfo parameters of capture parameter block

captureParams.imageInfo.width = 640;
captureParams.imageInfo.height = 480;
captureParams.imageInfo.bitsPerPixel = 16;
captureParams.imageInfo.fileFormat = palmPhotoJPEGFileFormat;
captureParams.imageInfo.imageQuality = palmPhotoHighestQuality;

//  set captureCallback and userDataP parameters of capture parameter block

captureParams.userDataP = NULL;
captureParams.userDataP = NULL;

//  capture image

PalmPhotoHandle handle = PalmPhotoCaptureImageV2(libRefNum, &captureParams);
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