It doesn't mean where reset is caused - in my app, other app or reset is done 
by hand. Result is one - dbs are disapeared.
Problem is that RAM is restored from NAND Flash after reset incorrect, i.e. 
sychronization between NAND Flash and RAM is disturbed.
Yes but thats the case with every unsaved data als on a PC or PocketPC.
What kind of application is it? Do you record something? That must be at a high speed that there should be no time to sync the databases in between! What about syncing after every 5th record or at nilEvents?

I accentuate that new Palm OS devices can't be used for enterprise tasks where 
doesn't metter speaker, screen quality, power button recedes and so on.
For enterprise apps principal are:
 - OS stability;
I cant see a big issue here. Our applications run for weeks without problem so it cant be the OS alone.
 - network access;
 - peripheral devices connection.

Absolutely right, we've been demanding this for years. But Palm did not listen. We were forced to release special applications with a need of rugged devices on WinCE. Sadly.

So back to your question "is PalmOS dying"? I say no! But it will survive even more in the consumer-market, not in the business market.


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