For the record, ACCESS is still licensing Palm OS Garnet and Palm continues to be a licensee. While I can't talk about future products, the Treo 650 is doing great and the TX and Z22 handhelds have been well-received by the market.

Hi Ben,

Thanks for the wonderfully prompt reply and the good info. The other end of that question concerns a company I work for that is about to develop a line of hdwr/sfwr to support their products. They're trying to decide whether they should proceed with development using Palm devices. So I guess the question is, "Is it possible they will be unable to acquire [and develop for] Palm devices that run the Palm OS as they now know it?" (OS 5.2.1)

I know you're not a mind-reader - but perhaps you could share the marketplace's general consensus on the future of the Palm as is currently is?


Lance Drake

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