Hello the forum!

I am new to jme, but committed to develop an
open-source and free dictionary application (to help
people learn words in SAT, GRE, GMAT) as my coursework
assignment. It should be written under MIDP1.0 and
targeted at Palm OS 4. 

However, i faced the challenge of placing lists
(ChoiceGroup) and textfiled on the same form, so that
I have a list of words that adjusts to what i type in
the text field below. Afterwards, the best match
should be highlighted for the user to tap on it with a
stylus and see the definition. The problem is that
ChoiceGroup with implicit selection looks ugly on
midp4palm implementation. 

What i am thinking of now is having string drawn on
the screen (Canvas) and placing a textField below (I
also need this fuctionality for one of the games that
should come bundled with the Dictionary application).
Heard that there is a possibility to implement a
textfield, or something alike, on Canvas. Is it true??

Sorry for the long letter :0

Please advice:)


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