Here's another one: on the Tungsten-W, how to change the "Automatically let the network update the time" setting in the Date & Time panel? I must keep this one disabled because a cell network provider here sometimes sends the wrong timezone,


Luc Le Blanc wrote:
My app has a screen that requires the user to write their signature on the screen. I've found out that if the user has the "Write Anywhere" feature enabled on their Palm, it causes strange behavior on the signature entry screen that prevents the signature from being recorded. The "Write Anywhere" feature is enabled by going into Prefs->General->Writing Area. Does anyone know of a way to enable/disable this feature programatically? I've gone through the 68k documentation and I can't seem to find anything related to this.

UInt16     gGoLCDLibRefNum = None;

if ( SysLibFind( goLcdLibName, &gGoLCDLibRefNum ) != errNone )

if ( SysLibLoad( goLcdLibType, goLcdLibCreator, &gGoLCDLibRefNum ) == errNone )

    if ( GoLcdLibOpen( gGoLCDLibRefNum ) == errNone )

      if ( GoLcdGetStatus( gGoLCDLibRefNum ) == goLcdEnabled )
        GoLcdSetStatus( gGoLCDLibRefNum, goLcdDisabled );

Conversely, you should call this last API again upon exiting to restore the previous status if need be (I keep a static boolean to determine whether I must do that upon closing the forms where I want "Graffiti On LCD" writing disabled). And close and remove the library when exiting your app. Check Palm's GoLCD Guide (PDF).

Caveat: the GoLcdSetStatus API does not change the icon in the status bar at the bottom of the Palm screen (like on the T3). I have no idea how to do that :(

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