Ok, this is going to sound like a dumb question, and I am sure that I will get 
a million responses saying "look it up yourself!" or "Google it!" (which I 
have), but I am going to ask anyway.

Is it possible to use arm-palmos-gcc instead of m68k-palmos-gcc to make a 100% 
pure arm application?

I have read and people have said that you need to have an m68k loader, and the 
reast could be ARM code, but Aaron Ardiri says otherwise (from 

"> Nope, the current version of OS 5 can't do native ARM code, only a68k with 
ARMlets to speed up applications.

wrong. its totally possible to do 100% ARM native apps - just take a look at 
the hotsync application, it is 100% ARM. the update program from tapwave was 
also 100% ARM - its not officially documented; but, it is possible."

How would I go about doing this? I have been looking around, and I have found 
nothing so far.

Aaron stated in some posts on this newsgroup that all that is neede is a very 
small (1-2k) m68k loader). He also stated that it would be possible that no 
loader would be needed (he refers to the HotSync app and the Tapwave ROM 

If I couldn't easily do a pure ARM app without a loader then what code would I 
need to include in the loader (PilotMain obviously) and how would I call the 
ARM code (I have seen an program using PEAL, but I think PEAL might be a hassel 
to use).

Anyway, if nobody can provide any help/samples, at least this might make an 
interesting discussion.

Thanks much,
Donald C. Kirker
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