You can try to break up your application into 1 or 2
shared libraries to reduce your 64K segment limit.
You call these shared libraries w/o concern over
segment issues.
A good tutorial is found in the MathLib.prc web page.
Just google for it.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I have a background application, which has no UI
> whatsoever, that has
> unfortunately grown beyond the 64K segment limit.  I
> need to figure out
> some way to call code accross segments, without
> being launched with
> sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch.  Specifically, I need
> to find a way to
> launch myself with globals, and not trigger any UI
> at all (i.e.
> SysAppUISwitch is not an option).  I'm using
> Codewarrior 9.3, and
> targetting PalmOS 5.4, specifically the Treo 650.
> Here's what I understand:
> - You cannot call anything out of your first segment
> on a no-globals
> launch.
> - The above is true, no matter what magic you use in
> Codewarrior (e.g.
> expanded mode doesn't help).
> - You cannot call yourself using SysAppLaunch and
> pass
> sysAppLaunchFlagNewGlobals, as that will eat up an
> owner ID every time
> you do it.
> So, do I have any options at all here?  Is there any
> way to get my app
> launched in a context where I can call other
> segments, short of
> SysAppUISwitch?  Surely there is a way to do this.
> Thanks,
> Gary
> -- 
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Andrew Scheurer


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