I'm writing an application (in 68k) that I'd like to be compatible with at 
least the Treo 650 (Garnet) and if possible Palm OS 4.x and above. In this app 
I'm storing a list of sound files (30-90 seconds in length) that each have data 
associated with them and I want to be able to playback those sound files and 
view their associated data. I've got a few questions about structuring this 

1. can I play back mp3's on garnet? (this would keep the file size down). Or 
can I only play Raw audio? (in the 68k SDK it says mp3 format is not supported 
for "SndStreamCreateExtended" fn but I want to double check)
2. Should I store the sound files in a record db with their associated info 
(this is what I've got it running right now, but I think I'm going to run into 
a wall with longer files because of the max 64k memory allocation) or should I 
store the sound files somewhere else and associate them with the record db? 
(and where would this "somewhere else" be?)
3. If there's not much room on the treo could I try streaming audio through a 
network socket connection?
4. What's the best way to test if my audio callback function is working on the 
simulators? Is there an easy way to put the audio on the simulator and then 
access it in memory? (I'm still struggling a bit with the Palm OS memory system)

Other general things:
In general how much low-quality (8k sampling mono) sound can, for example, a 
treo 650 hold and still run other standard applications? (is there a general 
I'm running the Palm OS garnet simulator that came with PODs - is this the 
simulator I want to be running if I'm aiming for treo 650?

sorry about the quantity (or naivete) of the questions I'm new to Palm OS and 
the file structure/system has got me a little confused. 

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