Ton van Overbeek wrote:
On 2006-08-03, Luc Le Blanc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Douglas Handy wrote:

As an alternative, he could check for high density. Z22 is the only OS5 device which is *not* hi density as far as I know.
I believe the Treo 600 falls in that camp as well, though it does not have DIA
support either so for purposes of this test it may not matter.  However, instead
of checking for high density, wouldn't it make more sense to check the pysical
screen extents to see if the width and height are not the same?

How can you get the physical screen extents? On a T3, will they change whether the slider is open or closed?

WinGetDisplayExtent() gives you the drawable area (minus status bar and DIA) in standard coordinates (unless you have called WinSetCoordinateSystem()). On a T3 in portrait with DIA open it gives 160x160, with DIA closed but status bar present 160x224.
The results change as expected after you open/close the slider.

Upon starting my app, I stuff a UInt32 with various device-related bits (color, DIA, orientable, lefty, etc.). Only DIA presence suddenly becomes a problem on the Zire 22, and WinGetDisplayExtent() cannot reliably used to determine DIA presence once and for all since it depends on the current DIA and slider status :(

Luc Le Blanc

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