I'm porting my app to WM5 and am having trouble finding the equivalent
to WinSaveBits and WinRestoreBits so that I can save a rectangular
area of the screen and then restore it.  If someone could enlighten
me, it would be much appreciated.

BitBlt() - create an offscreen window, get a drawing context.

its probably more work than you need - are you sure you actually need these routines? if your porting all forms to native windows as well; the
os routines may autiomagically provide this
// Aaron Ardiri

Thanks Aaron. So, the windows forms should provide the blitting for me? My main form has a drawing area where lines, circles, arcs, etc., are drawn to the window. Right now, when a Windows "child" form is created, it fullscreen and hide the main form. When its destroyed, the mainforms widgets are all refreshed, but the lines, arcs, etc., are gone.


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