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The app I'm working on is primarily to do searches thru a good sized file 
(about 4 meg comprised of 30,000 lines). I'd like to be able to implement the 
equivalent of a "drop-down combo-box most-recently-used m.r.u." capability.

To illustrate, the user might have done searches for "trigger" and then "popup" 
and then "whatever". If they wanted to then search for "triggers", I want them 
to be able to "recall" triggers from a list, add the "s" and then start the 
search. Then "triggers" would be added to the list of previous searches that 
could be recalled.

This Palm newbie is fuzzy on whether this can be done with a "popup list" or a 
"popup trigger" or a "selector trigger", some other approach, or perhaps it 
isn't feasible to do. I'd prefer not to use a separate dialog if the standard 
"widgets" can be made to provide this capability.

Is there a built-in Palm app (that has source code to look at) that provides 
the equivalent of m.r.u. capability?

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