I'm not very familiar with the modern Palm OS or hardware.  However, I'm
interested in using a PDA to remote into a PC using WiFi technology.  I've
got an idea for an application that must be able to query the file structure
on a PC, list the results, and allow the PDA user to select a file to execute
(thereby shelling a command to the PC ).  Although I could foresee this
being useful across different operating systems, I am initially concerned
with remoting into a PC running a flavor of Linux.

Would this be possible using a Palm? If so, is there a development toolkit
that would best suit this purpose?

are you thinking about remote desktop?

if so, its been done before - probably one of the most known one's is
PalmVNC. there are probably others; but, i've never had a need for such
an application myself.

in regards to going abuot developing your own? well, its really a simple
server/client connection where you translate palm events and interactions
into server side interactions and replicate the display over a network.

quite simple in design - quesiton is how to do it so that its fast and uses
minimal networking resouces is where the magic comes in.

// Aaron Ardiri

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