A Weekly Electronic Newsletter For Social Justice In Africa
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1. Editorial


Dear Reader,

This is our first edition of 2004 and we’d like to take the opportunity to wish all of our subscribers the very best for the New Year and extend a hearty thank-you to all for their continued support in the struggle for social justice in Africa. We’d also like to alert you to a special donation offer and inform you about the results of a survey we conducted in 2003.


One hundred and thirty seven editions, 18 000 archived stories, over 11 000 existing subscribers, and an estimated 60 000 readers. Pambazuka News has come a long way since December 2000 when we started out as a modest distribution list with just a few hundred subscribers.

We suspect that we may still underestimate our actual readership, especially as, since early 2003, began reproducing every issue of Pambazuka News on their website. Our editorials are regularly reposted on other lists and on a number of other websites, including

We’re probably the biggest and most comprehensive email service on Africa. To add value to our service, we’ve produced a website where you can access the latest stories on Africa and search our entire database. We also offer a newsfeed function for Pambazuka News headlines to be included on websites. Visit for more information.

Your first full newsletter of 2004, due to be delivered next week, will be different to your last newsletter in 2003, with changes designed for better categorisation and easier access to information. In 2004, we plan to continue providing high quality, original editorials that stimulate debate about issues in Africa. We will also deepen our research and coverage of key issues and events on the continent. From next week we will be including a variety of new sections. These include: Current Issue Highlights, African Issues Commentary, Agriculture and Land and News from the Diaspora. Some existing sections will also be broken up into new sections. We hope that this will make some sections more manageable and easier to handle, while also broadening our coverage of other areas.

We would like to appeal for donations to support our service on the basis that Pambazuka News is not just a simple email service. It was founded on the belief that the distribution of information about Africa can contribute to the spread of social justice in Africa.

Last year, we conducted a survey of our subscribers which showed that information provided by Pambazuka News is used in innovative ways for information dissemination, advocacy, debate, research and networking.

If you’d like further convincing, read a selection of the hundreds of statements we’ve collected on how our subscribers judge us, or browse our letters section online for further comments from our readers.

So, by contributing to Pambazuka News, you’re not only guaranteeing yourself a stream of relevant, timely – and often controversial – information on Africa, but you are also contributing to something more: the struggle for social justice.


We’ve recently made available a donate function on our website As a special promotion, we're offering a copy of the book ‘Limits to Liberation in Southern Africa: The Unfinished Business of Democratic Consolidation’, to the first 20 people who donate 15 pounds or more to Pambazuka News. There are a large number of subscribers in Africa who might not be able to take advantage of this offer. To compensate for this, we'd like to suggest that if you donate 15 pounds or more, then you can nominate any not-for-profit organisation in Africa to receive a copy of the book. Please remember to include details of your nomination in the "Message for Charity" box on the online secure giving form. You can donate now at

Limits to Liberation is edited by Henning Melber and published by HSRC Press, Cape Town, 2003. Melber was the Director of the Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit (NEPRU) in Windhoek from 1992 to 2000 and is now the Research Director of the Nordic Africa Institute in Uppsala, Sweden. The book is a groundbreaking collection of essays on Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Botswana and South Africa that raises questions about the authoritarianism in liberation structures and the elitism inherent in liberal democracy. Its contributors include Kenneth Good, Ian Taylor, Francis Nyamnjoh, Amin Kamete, Suzanne Dansereau, Roger Southall, Martin Legassick, Raymond Suttner and Krista Johnson.

In coming months, we’ll be offering further publications and useful resources to promote our donations function, so keep an eye out for these special offers.

We’re aware that some subscribers may not have the capacity to donate online. If so, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we can make alternative arrangements. And if you can’t take advantage of this particular offer, please remember that no amount is too small: you can ensure that subscribers in Africa get Pambazuka News free, with every $5.00 helping to ensure a subscription for one year.


We would like to extend a sincere thank-you to those subscribers who took the time to respond to our survey in 2003.


While Pambazuka News is predominantly used for news and information about the African continent, the newsletter is also used for dissemination, advocacy, debate, research and networking. For example, one respondent said the information in Pambazuka News was used in training conducted by their organisation with other Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO’s). In another example, we were informed that information from Pambazuka News relating to gender and women’s issues was provided to 27 community radio stations. “The information is written in a story format which is sent out every Friday via email and fax,” the response said. Information provided by Pambazuka News is widely used by academic staff, journalists, NGO workers and researchers.

The survey found that the readership of Pambazuka News is far greater than previously thought, with responses indicating an average of 5-6 readers per subscriber. A large proportion of the readership is located in the NGO sector (34.5%), with other significant sectors including university (17.9%), international agencies (10.5%), media (7.6%), government (6.7%) and the private sector (10.9%). This readership is geographically diverse, with respondents drawn from 41 countries.

While the most common comments from respondents about the newsletter related to its length and the lack of time available to read it, survey results show that Pambazuka News readers spend an average of 39 minutes reading the newsletter every week.

Development, Rights and Democracy, Conflicts, Crises and Emergencies and Women and Gender were the most favoured sections, but the survey also revealed significant interest in the sections of Advocacy Resources, Courses, Seminars and Workshops and Books and Arts.

The length of Pambazuka News has troubled some subscribers. This was a clear trend in responses and related to the format of the newsletter, which was mentioned as an area that could be improved. This issue is related to the ability to quickly access relevant information and not have to read material that is not relevant to an individual’s interest or field.



Director, HealthLink; Chair, GEGA Co-ordinating Committee
Many thanks for your newsletter which continues to provide a wonderful source of important information and conscientisation.

Secretariat Of African National Human Rights Institutions
I started to subscribe to the Pambazuka Newsletter immediately after a Human Rights Training Education conference recently, and am very pleased with it. I have already found lots of articles to use for my MA thesis, my freelance journalist work as well as just personal interest. The latest editorial on HIV/AIDS was one of the best articles on the topic I have read in a very long time, and I have sent it to friends all around the world. Thanks for the access!

Pambazuka News cuts across a wide range of issues that are vital in my career objectives as a prospective development planner. I find it very resourceful and enriching.

South Africa
I want to congratulate the team on Pambazuka. Keep up the good work, we as South African citizens enjoy it very much. Thanks a lot for all the effort.

Would just like to congratulate you on the Pambazuka Newsletter; it is a most useful resource and is well put together. Keep it up.

SA Human Rights Commission
Must complement you on the continuing excellent quality of this newsletter and let you know it is highly valued in its relevance and usefulness as a resource and reference regarding human rights in Africa.

You guys are doing exceptional work. I am a teacher, and I run a number of projects with international collaborations. Part of this is that we have contact with, and host teachers and students from around the world. Your newsletters are great at telling the real story of Africa, and helping me to clue people into the real issues of the day.

I am a Johannesburg-based foreign correspondent writing for various English, Scottish and Japanese publications. I am currently running through Pambazuka Newsletters for a series of development articles I am planning, and I am struck yet again that - although, inevitably, I do not agree with some of the opinions expressed and analyses offered - yours is a fantastic and invaluable service. Keep up the good work.


1) “For example, there was an article on HIV/AIDS and child labour on commercial farms in Zimbabwe. I tracked down the author of the report, who put me in touch with other researchers doing work of this kind.”

2) “We use the newsletter primarily as a source of resources and contacts. We are still in our early phases, and so the practical contacts that come from the fundraising, workshops, and newsletters sections are the most useful. We follow them up and go onto those sites.”

3) “In teaching, we use it to give American undergraduates an alternative to mainstream media sources.”

4) “Sometimes we are cut off from news where we are (Kenya), so this keeps us
updated about what is happening.”

5) "I mainly read the editorials - I often don't have time to read the whole newsletter, but like to gain a different perspective on events through the editorials from that presented in the western press."

6) "We distribute the information to the provincial members of our legislature."

7) "Pambazuka is very important to inform on current issues. Like the excellent report on the food crises in Ethiopia. We organised a political cafe on this subject destined for parliamentarians and NGO’s in the Netherlands."

8) "Pambazuka News is a crucial part of my staying abreast of the news from the continent, which impacts stories we assign, writers we work with, and the like."

9) "My current work organisation has no interest in anything but the bottom line. It is a typical U.S. privately-held corporation, interested solely in exploiting its employees. I read Pambazuka News to: (1) retain my belief in the capability of human nature to overcome its limitations and deceits with open, honest communication and a vision that includes all of the world's citizens (2) attempt to understand conditions that are not reported at all in the U.S. media but often distorted or dramatized in the independent press (3) focus my prayers for my old friends in Zimbabwe and a distant family connection in South Africa (4) contribute to the Feminist Peace Network."

10) "The quality of this newsletter is that the blurbs are brief enough to ensure consistency of presentation, and long enough to get a sense. When the quality is good, I always feel that size is not a limiting factor at all, so it is as long as it needs to be. I'm often hassled about this in my own work - but my philosophy is that people will read it if it's good, and if you provide a short summary, you are covering all bases."

11) “I use it (Pambazuka News) so that I can keep the PeaceWomen website updated on what is happening on women, peace and security issues across the African continent.”

12) "I am building a web portal on women and armed conflict for UNIFEM (to be launched in June) and in the process have found your resources incredible. Last year I was writing a book for UNIFEM on Women, War and Peace and constantly bounced

13) “We can verify news, do research and keep ourselves and others informed."

14) “One thing I lament about us is that we have little understanding of our own continent and its leaders and people tend to make unfounded extrapolations from one situation to another without understanding the complex issues in the sub-region and further a field. I hope in identifying these issues, Pambuzuka will play a vital role in enlightening people who are still caught up in the 'dark Africa' syndrome.”

15) "A very useful service with value much beyond what one might believe."

16) "An excellent newsletter."

17) "Best email service on Africa at present."

18) "Congratulations for the work put up. It's great to get such a source of news about Africa and I hope you will carry on."

19) "Great resource! Whether in or outside Africa."

20) "I am a Latin Americanist by training, but I find Pambazuka News very relevant for development issues in general and thought-provoking information and editorials."

21) "I am impressed by the breadth and sophistication of information."

22) "I appreciate the News since it needs considerable efforts to compose the weekly newsletter."

23) "I don't see how you generate so much content on a regular basis with a small staff. Congratulations!"

24) "I find it a very useful way to keep in touch with a whole range of issues pertaining to Africa and not just the ones which would usually occupy my attention. I value this. Thank you."

25) "I find your service incredibly useful - and am constantly astounded at the volume and quality of your work."

26) "I look forward to receiving it because there's always at least one item of close relevance to our work."

27) "I think it is a fantastic newsletter, well written, well informed, well researched and an invaluable form of information about all of Africa. Thanks."

28) "I think it is a good service and it is unique in that it provides information about ALL of Africa, this is so important."

29) "I think it's great to have this access to news from Africa - as such information is hard to find otherwise."

30) "I think you do a splendid job especially for those of us who engage in research on African affairs. A factor which gives me confidence in the News is that it is objective or presents its evidence in a manner that is not judgemental; this gives the reader space to make her/his on judgments."

31) "I'm a new subscriber and have found it very useful and informative."

32) "It an excellent source of news and it has been useful for me to subscribe to it, I'm really gaining in terms of knowing what's happening and it has been also useful to my programme."

33) "It is a remarkable achievement and, although I cannot read and absorb it all, that which I do read is immensely interesting and I would not have access to much of the information from other sources."

34) "It is a revolution and a huge success."

35) "It is a useful source of information on equity issues. Both current issues and background information help understand details and context."

36) "It is a very informative and up-to-date source of information."

37) "It is an excellent and invaluable tool. It helps you feel connected to others in similar situations grappling with similar issues. You don't feel alone, and that often helps."

38) "It must reach as many readers as possible."

39) "It's a great service. The section on corruption has no parallels in other news services. The development section is particularly helpful."

40) "It's great!"

41) "There is a definite need for a news organ dealing with African issues. Here we simply don't get much by way of information about what is happening in Africa from the normal media channels."

42) "This is a really valuable source of information."

43) "Thoroughly enjoy and look forward to each issue. Many thanks to those who work tirelessly to pull it together - it is a huge job!"

44) "Trawling through it all is a bit of a chore, but usually worth it for the interesting bits I do find."

45) "Very useful alert on social justice and human rights."

46) "We are happy with it, it is very informative. Of all the material/publications that we circulate in the office for people's attention, Pambazuka takes up most time to go through. I appreciate the effort to bring issues African to the fore."

47) "We would like to continue to receive it and if possible to make a contribution when appropriate as we work with many countries in Africa."

48) "Well worth reading."

49) "You're one of the few e-mail magazines I'm really going through (finding a lot of others too detailed or with technical limitations), so keep up the good work!"

50) "I'm always surprised to read so much on it, the same in other sections."

Thank you for your support!


Fahamu - learning for change
14, Standingford House, Cave Street, Oxford OX4 1BA, UK
620 Overport City, Durban 4001, South Africa

Editorial Board: Firoze Manji (Fahamu), Patrick Burnett (Fahamu), Rotimi Sankore, (CREDO [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Pambazuka News is hosted at Kabissa
1519 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 301, Washington DC, 20036 USA


The Newsletter comes out weekly and is delivered to subscribers by e-mail. Subscription is free. To subscribe, send an e-mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with only the word 'subscribe' in the subject or body. To subscribe online, visit:

This Newsletter is produced under the principles of 'fair use'. We strive to attribute sources by providing direct links to authors and websites. When full text is submitted to us and no website is provided, we make the text available on our website via a "for more information" link. Please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] immediately regarding copyright issues.

The views expressed in this newsletter, including the signed editorials, do not necessarily represent those of Fahamu

(c) Fahamu 2004

If you wish to stop receiving the newsletter, unsubscribe immediately by sending a message FROM THE ADDRESS YOU WANT REMOVED to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] should you need further assistance subscribing or unsubscribing.


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