On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 10:33:24PM +0100, Paul Marquess wrote:
> > Paul, do you think it is feasible, or is there a better way?
> You can already force Compress::Zlib to build with its own private, and
> static, version of zlib.
> It done like this - untar a zlib distribution into the Compress-ZLib
> directory - you should now have a directory called zlib-1.1.4.
> Next edit the file config.in and set BUILD_ZLIB to True, INCLUDE to
> ./zlib-1.1.4 and LIB to ./zlib-1.1.4

Thanks for the instruction. :-)

However, it is quite difficult to specify that requirement from
PAR's Makefile.PL, especially when installed from foreign package
managers, say PPM or FreeBSD ports.

If I create a Compress-Zlib-Static extension, which contains only
a single Makefile.PL, that downloads and assembles the required
zlib and Compress::Zlib automatically (with LWP and/or Net::FTP),
so I may be able to write:

    PREREQ_PM => { "Compress::Zlib::Static" => 0 }

in PAR's Makefile.PL.  Do you think it is a reasonable approach?


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