
<I'm having some trouble with my newsreader. I'm sorry if
this message has been posted multiple times>

I'm having a problem with creating a par file from a script.
The problem is that not all dependencies are included in the
par file. The strange thing is that scandeps correctly finds
all dependencies. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

The command I use to create the par file 'update_create.par'
from my script 'update_create.pl' is:
 pp -vvv -x -n -p -o update_create.par update_create.pl

This gives the following output (Note that I removed the
original paths for clarity):
  adding ... as lib/ActivePerl/Config.pm
  adding ... as lib/ActiveState/Path.pm
  adding ... as lib/Archive/Tar.pm
  adding ... as lib/Archive/Tar/Constant.pm
  adding ... as lib/Archive/Tar/File.pm
  adding ... as lib/Compress/Zlib.pm
  adding ... as lib/IO/String.pm
  adding ... as lib/IO/Zlib.pm
  adding ... as lib/XML/Simple.pm
  adding ... as lib/auto/Compress/Zlib/Zlib.bs
  adding ... as lib/auto/Compress/Zlib/Zlib.dll
  adding ... as lib/auto/Compress/Zlib/autosplit.ix
  adding <string> as MANIFEST
  adding <string> as META.yml
  adding <string> as lib/ActivePerl/Config.pm
  adding <string> as lib/ActiveState/Path.pm
  adding <string> as lib/Archive/Tar.pm
  adding <string> as lib/Archive/Tar/Constant.pm
  adding <string> as lib/Archive/Tar/File.pm
  adding <string> as lib/Compress/Zlib.pm
  adding <string> as lib/IO/String.pm
  adding <string> as lib/IO/Zlib.pm
  adding <string> as lib/XML/Simple.pm
  adding ... as lib/auto/Compress/Zlib/Zlib.bs
  adding ... as lib/auto/Compress/Zlib/Zlib.dll
  adding ... as lib/auto/Compress/Zlib/autosplit.ix
  adding ... as script/main.pl
  adding ... as script/update_create.pl
  updating MANIFEST
  updating META.yml
  update_create.par: 100230 bytes read, 84026 compressed, 16% saved.

However, when I run 'scandeps.pl update_create.pl', I get the following
  'Archive::Tar'                => '1.26_01',
  'Digest::MD5'                 => '2.36',
  'File::Copy'                  => '2.09',
  'File::Find'                  => '1.10',
  'File::Spec'                  => '3.12',
  'File::Spec::Win32'           => '1.6',
  'File::stat'                  => '1.00',
  'FileHandle'                  => '2.01',
  'XML::Simple'                 => '2.14',
  'strict'                      => '1.03',
  'ActiveState::Path'           => '0.02',
  'base'                        => '2.07',
  'Archive::Tar::Constant'      => '0.02',
  'Archive::Tar::File'          => '0.02',
  'Config'                      => 'undef',
  'Cwd'                         => '3.12',
  'File::Path'                  => '1.08',
  'File::Spec::Unix'            => '1.5',
  'IO::File'                    => '1.13_01',
  'IO::String'                  => '1.08',
  'vars'                        => '1.01',
  'IO::Zlib'                    => '1.04',
  'Time::Local'                 => '1.11',
  'constant'                    => '1.05',
  'B'                           => '1.09_01',
  'Carp::Heavy'                 => '1.04',
  'Thread'                      => '2.00',
  'ActivePerl'                  => 'undef',
  'ActivePerl::Config'          => 'undef',
  'B::Deparse'                  => '0.71',
  'bytes'                       => '1.02',
  'Digest::base'                => '1.00',
  'XSLoader'                    => '0.06',
  'MIME::Base64'                => '3.07',
  'Exporter::Heavy'             => '5.58',
  'Win32'                       => '0.2601',
  'warnings'                    => '1.05',
  'Scalar::Util'                => '1.18',
  'warnings::register'          => '1.01',
  'Text::ParseWords'            => '3.24',
  'Class::Struct'               => '0.63',
  'Symbol'                      => '1.06',
  'Fcntl'                       => '1.05',
  'Tie::Hash'                   => '1.02',
  'SelectSaver'                 => '1.01',
  'Errno'                       => '1.09_01',
  'IO::Select'                  => '1.17',
  'IO::Socket::INET'            => '1.29',
  'IO::Socket::UNIX'            => '1.22',
  'Socket'                      => '1.78',
  'Data::Dumper'                => '2.121_08',
  'Compress::Zlib'              => '1.41',
  'Tie::Handle'                 => '4.1',
  'List::Util'                  => '1.18',
  'AutoLoader'                  => '5.60',
  'DynaLoader'                  => '1.05',
  'threads::shared'             => '0.99',
  'integer'                     => '1.00',
  'IO'                          => '1.22',
  'IO::Dir'                     => '1.05',
  'IO::Handle'                  => '1.25',
  'IO::Pipe'                    => '1.13',
  'IO::Seekable'                => '1.10',
  'IO::Socket'                  => '1.29',
  'XML::Parser::Expat'          => '2.34',
  'overload'                    => '1.04',
  'Exporter'                    => '5.58',
  'File::Basename'              => '2.74',
  'File::Glob'                  => '1.05',
  'Storable'                    => '2.15',
  'UNIVERSAL'                   => '1.01',
  'XML::Parser'                 => '2.34',
  'XML::Parser::Style::Debug'   => 'undef',
  'XML::Parser::Style::Objects' => 'undef',
  'XML::Parser::Style::Stream'  => 'undef',
  'XML::Parser::Style::Subs'    => 'undef',
  'XML::Parser::Style::Tree'    => 'undef',
  're'                          => '0.05',
  'utf8'                        => '1.06',
  'Term::Cap'                   => '1.09',
  'Carp'                        => '1.04',

One of the modules that is missing is 'Digest::MD5'.
I also tried to add this module by adding '-M Digest::MD5'
to the pp command, but the result was exactly the same.

I would be grateful if someone could point me in the
right direction, because I'm really at a loss here.

Best Regards,

Tom Moers

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