
It is a separate issue.

The problem lies in PAR::StrippedPARL::Base.pm.

The problem is a "simple" issue of back-slashing a double quote in a command 

So, the attached patch contains my rather clumsy fix. It changes backslashes to 
forward slashes in paths  on MSWin. Elegant one line replacements welcome.

I haven't got the time at present to check how, if, or when this was introduced.
But I suspect it has always been there.
I, for example, always removed the PERL5LIB env created by PDK as it seemed to 
be at the root of a couple of the problems I encountered.



Steffen Mueller wrote:
> Hi Steven,
> Steven Mackenzie schrieb:
>> There is a note in the Module-ScanDeps change log about the trailing
>> slash issue
>> [Changes for 0.66 - 2006-09-24]
>> * Fixed another bug in Module::ScanDeps::Datafeed which would break
>>   run- and compile-time dependency scanners if $ENV{PERL5LIB} entries
>>   had trailing backslashes.
>> I am currently running ScanDeps 0.71:
>> C:\Documents and Settings\steven>perl -MModule::ScanDeps -e "print
>> $Module::Scan
>> Deps::VERSION"
>> 0.71
>> If I remove the trailing slash from the path, then my problem goes
>> away. :-)
>> Steffen, has this problem crept back in to Module::ScanDeps, or is it
>> replicated
>> somewhere else?
> I'm not sure. I would think its a separate issue. But I'm not currently
> completely on top of things, sorry!
> You can get a complete diff between two releases of a module (if they're
> still available from CPAN) using search.cpan.org's "Tools" section on
> the modules homepage.
> Steffen

Index: Base.pm
--- Base.pm     (revision 436)
+++ Base.pm     (working copy)
@@ -68,7 +68,12 @@
     chmod(oct('755'), $tfile);
     # Use this to generate a real parl
-    my @libs = (map {"-I\"$_\""} @INC);
+    my @libs = ();
+    for (@INC) {
+        my $ilib = $_;
+        $ilib =~ s/\\/\//g if($^O =~ /^MSWin/);
+        push(@libs, qq(-I\"$ilib\") );
+    }
     my @args = (@libs, qw/-q -B/);
     # prepend ./ if applicable

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