> Mark's solution (with Steffen's installation tip) worked perfectly.
> For future reference, should this be considered a general solution to
> the problem?


The solution you used will only work with latest ActivePerl (currently 822). It 
was also just one of the steps required for a complete install (dependencies 
etc) - but I figured you had completed all the others.

The full method, assuming you don't have a C compile environment, is to 
download the free nmake from Microsoft, download the PAR::Packer source, and do 
a standard

perl Makefile.pl
nmake test
nmake install

Even then, this is only ever likely to work if you have the latest ActivePerl. 
(It downloads the same PAR dist that you downloaded manually - which is always 
likely to be compiled against latest ActivePerl)

A solution for everyone, if you can't upgrade your ActivePerl, is to install 
MinGW and build yourself. This is much simpler than you might think.
I have promised to do a 'HOWTO' by putting together all the info offered in 
past threads by several folks with necessary info on the minor changes you have 
to make for different ActivePerl versions. Going forward, you won't have to 
tweak anything because you can use MinGW with ActivePerl from version 822 
without needing any minor tweaks etc.
I just haven't got around to doing it. You only really need a HOWTO if you have 
no experience compiling anything at all OR you want to compile on Vista.

Anyway, glad you got things working.



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