On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 1:02 PM, Roderich Schupp
> AFAICT, no. But I think this is a useful suggestion:

Scrap that. I just tried a very simple example
(version 0.980 on Solaris 9):

$ pp -o foo.exe -e "print qq[INC [EMAIL PROTECTED];"

and PERL5LIB is _not_ propagated to foo.exe:
when I run

$ set PERL5LIB=/some/where
$ ./foo.exe

INC = CODE(0x6df76c) CODE(0x6df958)

i.e. /some/where _doesn't_ show up in @INC

Can you try this example? And what version of
PAR and PAR::Packer are you using?

Cheers, Roderich

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