
This is, I think, a bug in the way PAR::Packer determines the name of libperl 
at make time which is basically to take $Config::Config{libperl} and append the 
'so' extension for dynamic Perls.

So, in a VC++ built Perl on MSWin, such as ActivePerl, we get
$Config::Config{libperl} eq 'perl510.lib'

whilst for a MinGW built Perl like Strawberry we get

$Config::Config{libperl} eq 'libperl510.a'

All the test succeed because perl510.dll is on the path.

I think the way to fix this is to have an MSWin specific check for a dynamic 
libperl in the appropriate makefile that strips any leading 'lib' from 
$Config::Config{libperl}and then looks for the DLL under that name. Note this 
will only have any effect if the DLL name so determined actually exists so I 
can't think of any effect other than that this will make PAR::Packer on 
Strawberry work.

Any other thoughts? Is there a simpler way to find out the name of the dynamic 
Perl DLL on MSWin?

If this is a reasonable approach I don't mind doing a simple patch and testing 
against various Win32 Perls to ensure it works.

The current test I assume fails is in myldr/Makefile.PL at around line 135.



Robert Davis wrote:
I have strawberry perl installed.
I have PAR .980 installed.
I did what Roderich Schupp suggested from a previous thread:
- installed Strawberry Perl 5.10 from scratch
- installed libwin32, PAR, PAR::Packer (and its prerequisites) from CPAN
- pp -o hello.exe -e "print qq[hullo world\n]"
- invoked hello.exe from another console window with everything
strawberries removed from environment: didn't work for me. I verified the only missing dll was perl510.dll. I copied perl510.dll to
the current directory and it worked.
I checked the cache directory(after cleaning it first) and there is a
libperl510.a in there but no perl510.dll
Help bob

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