2009/4/20 Octavian Râşniţă <orasn...@gmail.com>:

> Thank you. This way it works (even though not well), however I don't think I
> should add that line, because I tried to run the perl script from the PAR
> archive on the same machine it was created, immediately after creating it,
> in the same location it was created.
> And here I use Perl 5.10.0...

Look at the error message from your original post:

Can't locate mro.pm in @INC (@INC contains: CODE(0x135753c) C:\DOCUME~1\Octavian
ib C:\DOCUME~1\Octavian\LOCALS~1\Temp\par-Octavian\cache-31f47a759bf1a2dca3b4edd
ab5538c327ccea7f2\inc\arch C:\DOCUME~1\Octavian\LOCALS~1\Temp\par-Octavian\cache
-31f47a759bf1a2dca3b4eddab5538c327ccea7f2\inc CODE(0x11e6594) e:\lucru\catalyst\

@INC does _not_ contain any directory from your Perl installation (see the ouput
of "perl -V" of what to expect). And that's correct, since you ran
this script under
parl.exe which is a "self-contained perl loader", i.e. one executable
that includes:

- a custom perl interpreter including the perl shared library
(libperl510.dll or similar)
- the minimal set of Perl modules that are needed to use PAR.pm

(All @INC members
plus one of the CODE refs
come from parl.exe. The other CODE ref is for "use"ing modules packed
into your .par.)

Anyway, stuff run under parl.exe isn't supposed to use stuff from any
installed perl.
If you want to use your original .par on a machine with Perl 5.10 installed,
don't run it under parl, but under _perl_, probably a line like

perl -MPAR t7.par t7_server.pl

should do the trick ("perldoc PAR" has more information).

Cheers, Roderich

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