
I'm having an issue with PAR::Packer v0.991 (PAR 0.992), it might also be related to perl 5.10.

I have this very simple script:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h);

sub trap_sigalarm {
    my ($handler) = @_;
    POSIX::sigaction POSIX::SIGALRM(), new POSIX::SigAction $handler;

print "Starting...\n";
eval {
    trap_sigalarm(sub { die "Timed out."; });
    alarm 10;
    sleep 15;
print "Should have timed out, if you saw this then something is wrong\n";
alarm 0;

if ($@) {
    print $@;

Runs just fine from the command line (ie perl

However, when I compile it with pp (pp -c -o script.par and run it I get the following error:

$ ./script.par
Can't locate auto/POSIX/SigAction/ in @INC (@INC contains: CODE(0x84874d4) CODE(0x848f874)) at script/ line 9

Looking in the cach directiory indeed I see a lot of POSIX/*.al but no POSIX/SigAction/*.al files.

Anyone have any ideas?


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