Sun Mar 28 13:38:10 2010: Request 56020 was acted upon.
Transaction: Correspondence added by RSCHUPP
       Queue: Module-ScanDeps
     Subject: PAR::Packer and PDF::API2 Unicode::UCD: failed to find 
   Broken in: 0.96
    Severity: Normal
       Owner: Nobody
      Status: open
 Ticket <URL: >

On Sun Mar 28 08:43:12 2010, DJIBEL wrote:
> Unicode::UCD: failed to find UnicodeData.txt in CODE(0x2c84f7c)
> C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\par-user\cache-7cb6bafd0
> 5de0244ffffca19c561d6fbaa5f768c\inc\lib
> C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\par-user\cache-
> 7cb6bafd05de0244ffffca19c561d6fba
> a5f768c\inc CODE(0x2a8d0b4) CODE(0x2a8d3b4)

Yikes, another one of those modules that scatters its data files
over the installation. I wonder why this hasn't come up earlier,
since Unicode::UCD is in Perl core since 5.7.3. Anyway, its
search strategy for a data file with path @path is

        for my $d (@INC) {
            use File::Spec;
            $f = File::Spec->catfile($d, "unicore", @path);
            last if open($$rfh, $f);

(and all data files seem to have the suffix .txt). The attached
patch fo Module::ScanDeps should do the trick.

--- lib/Module/	2009-09-16 11:06:56.000000000 +0200
+++ lib/Module/	2010-03-28 19:34:06.000000000 +0200
@@ -397,6 +397,9 @@
     'Tk/'        => [qw( Tk/folder.xpm Tk/file.xpm )],
     'Tk/'      => [qw( Tk/openfolder.xpm Tk/win.xbm )],
     'Tk/'    => [qw( Tk/ )],
+    'Unicode/'	=> sub {
+	grep /\.txt$/, map "unicore/$_->{name}", _glob_in_inc('unicore', 0);
+    },
     ''            => sub {
         grep !/.\b[_A-Z]/, _glob_in_inc('URI', 1);

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