Tue Oct 04 11:41:59 2011: Request 71445 was acted upon.
Transaction: Ticket created by logandj
       Queue: PAR-Packer
     Subject: Compilation fails, StrippedParl and tempfile errors.
   Broken in: 1.006, 1.007, 1.008, 1.009, 1.010
    Severity: Critical
       Owner: Nobody
  Requestors: lo...@spinzendj.com
      Status: new
 Ticket <URL: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=71445 >

I am not able to get a script to compile to an .exe. My script fails to 
compile using 1.006 - 1.010. I am using Windows 7 x64 but my perl 
installation and associated programs are the x86 versions. I am using 
Strawberry Perl 5.12.3 and have tried fully re installing it as well. 

I have tried to compile from the .pl and have also tried compiling from a 
.par with the same error. The .par I compiled runs fine, the process just 
fails when trying to convert it to an .exe. I have tried having the 
source files in a desktop directory and inside the perl\lib directory 
with no change in the error. I have also tried with and without the -g 
and --icon flags. 

I am a Perl novice but it looks like it might be a problem with the way 
File::Temp is handling the paths, but I've found a similar bug here as 

I have also noticed that version 1.010 only includes the base.pm file in 
the StrippedParl dir. It initially failed with an error saying it was 
unable to find static.pm so I copied it and dynamic.pm from version 1.009 
and that's when I started getting this error. 

The error I get on compilation is below:

C:\strawberry\perl\lib>pp -g --icon="frn_logo.icon" -o exct.exe exct.par

PAR::StrippedPARL::Static->get_raw() did not return the raw binary data 
for a PAR loader at C:/strawberry/perl/lib/PAR/StrippedPARL/Base.pm line 
141, <DATA> line 1.

Could not write temporary parl (class PAR::StrippedPARL::Static) to file 
'C:\Users\debordl\AppData\Local\Temp\parlxUiA.exe' at 
C:/strawberry/perl/lib/PAR/StrippedPARL/Base.pm line 65, <DATA> line 1.

C:\Perl\site\bin/pp: Failed to extract a parl from 
'PAR::StrippedPARL::Static' to file 'parl5eKFX3L.exe' at 
C:/strawberry/perl/lib/PAR/Packer.pm line 1172, <DATA> line 1.



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