Hi there,

As mentioned in the FAQ, I also wasn't having luck with using pp --gui
(WinXP, Strawberry Perl 5.12.3):

<quote from online FAQ>
When searching for an answer to this myself, I found many references to
using "exetype" ... it comes as a .bat with ActivePerl, or you can find
an exetype.pl from several places. You run "exetype file.exe
[WINDOWS|CONSOLE]". This worked, I think, but still did not achieve the
desired result on my PAR executable. While the exe itself did not
generate a console window, par.exe (which was invoked in my exe
somewhere) DID generate a console window, with a titlebar saying
"par.exe <strange-looking path to file in temp dir>", whereas before
changing the console window title bar just displayed the path to my .exe.

Out of desperation I additionally ran "exetype file.exe windows"
(exetype.bat is included in Strawberry Perl now, too) on the file.exe in
the Temp/par-user/cache-abcdef0123456789/file.exe once it gets created.
Now there is no console window left!

I'm not qualified enough to make the _fix_console() & _strip_console()
functions from PAR/Packer.pm run on the parl-binary inside the
par-pack-binary as well. Probably I just used the wrong terms?

Anyways, would this be something worth to add?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
Marc H. Thoben

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